Donate for a Good Cause

With Your Support, We Can Provide Quality Education For The Girl Child And Less Privileged Children In Africa.

We believe that education should be open and free, we target to customize mobile device that is internet connection free and solar energy powered. This will automatically reduce the challenge of power and internet connection especially in rural areas and disadvantaged families.

Please help us meet this demand, we’ve thrived thanks to our supportive community of educators, developers, teachers and users.

Low education rates in Africa is the lack of proper schooling facilities and unequal opportunity for education across countries. Many schools across Africa find it difficult to employ qualified teachers due to the low income and lack of suitable personnel. Students are not learning basic skills by the end of their basic education.

With your support, we can provide quality education for all, and advance our mission to give the African the most effective solution for quality education; We believe that education should be open and free, we target to customize mobile device that is internet connection free and solar energy powered. Thank you!

Amount is in USD ($)

Donation Occurrence

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we accept donations of phone. Please email for our wire transfer information.
Yes, we accept donations by domestic and international wire transfer. Please email for our wire transfer information.